


题   目大健康和大数据时代的护理信息学:现状与未来
Nursing informatics in the era of healthcare and big dataThe present status & the future

时   间:41114:00

地   点: 新莆京8883平台阶梯教室106


The world is evolving to the aging society. The lacking of enough labors and medical resources makes the efficient healthcare very important. The precision early diagnosis and prevention of diseases becomes very urgent. The fast development of life sciences, information technology and wearable devices brought new opportunities to precision healthcare and prevention of diseases. Traditional paradigm of clinical treatment is shifting to healthcare and early prevention of diseaseswhich provides unprecedented opportunities and challenges for nursing informatics, especially in the era of large health and large data. I will introduce the driving force, the present status and future trends of the discipline of nursing informatics. Several research directions and methods will be summarized and outlined.


沈百荣:1997年复旦大学化学系博士毕业留校、1999年任副教授;2004年任芬兰坦佩雷大学生物信息学助理教授、2006年任同济大学生物信息学教授、博士生导师。2008年回苏州大学并建立系统生物学研究中心。现兼任美国西雅图系统生物学研究所教授、HVP中国区工作委员会副主任、基金委项目终审专家、BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making卫生保健信息系统方向的编委等。2012年以来在国际上倡导转化生物医学信息学,是国际转化生物医学信息学(ICTBI)系列会议的创始主席。2008年回国以来主持8个国家级项目,发表SCI学术论文80多篇,中英文著作5本,培养博士和硕士研究生40多人。研究领域:生物医学信息学,计算系统生物学、转化医学信息学、健康大数据等。

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